Artsyfutsy's Blog

Archive for August 28th, 2010

Hi everyone! I’m back! Been busy with exams and concerts. (I trust you’ve seen the posters of Die Zauberflote around?)

Anyway, I’ve watched both Street Dance and Step Up but both in 2D.
The verdict? STREET DANCE!

Most of you probably already know that I’m a classical freak and that extends to Ballet. Yes, I LOVE BALLET. Street Dance incorporated Ballet into their break dance routine while Step Up was just pure break dance. &I absolutely loved the final dance of Street Dance. It started out with dancers in white business suits in a gigantic bed covered with blue silk. Ahh contemporary dance. Then it changed to ballet as the 5 of them danced and break dance when everyone else joined it. I love how they manage to bridge the divide between Ballet and break dance which all of you probably know are at 2 ends of the spectrum. It gave me a lot of inspiration and opened up my world. It’s just wonderful how the movie possessed the message that dance is an international language that transcends all boundaries. Dance, in a lot of ways is like Music. Regardless of race, language or religion, all of us understand each other perfectly well when we’re dancing or making music. The once closed minded Ballet Dancers in the show learned so much and improved so much after they accepted break dance. Haha maybe singing more pop songs will help me in Opera 😛 Oh yeah and did I mention that I think they have really good dance moves and the movie soundtrack was fantastic!

Step Up paled in comparision in everything except the plot. It had a more complex and well-developed plot. In other words, a more interesting story while Street Dance’s was relatively simple. The one similarity between their plots was that both had one of their team mates betraying them to join their largest rival house.
The one scene that saved Step Up was the one where they dance in the water at the second round of competitions at the House of Gwai and the most of the techno music gave me a headache. The only redeeming song was Alicia Key’s New York.
Step Up seems to get a lot worse with each new series. The very first Step Up is the best of them all and can probably match up to other dance films like Dance Subaru.




August 2010

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