Artsyfutsy's Blog

The Last Song-When I Look at You by Miley Cyrus

Posted on: June 28, 2010

The Last Song(A movie) is a 2010 American coming of age drama film. This film is an adaptation of Nicholas Sparks novel with the same name’The Last Song’. The film was directed by Julie Anne Robinson.The female lead is Miley Cyrus with the male lead is Lian Hemsworth.Perhaps many think that Miley is not a very good actress hence some criticised that the movie was not as well as expected. However, I think that she does have potential in playing adult roles but perhaps, she has been too used to the Disney kind of style and cannot really perform very well in this romantic tear-jerker.

Okay, without any delay,we should get into the song now:D

Firstly, how do I know of the song being used in this movie? The answer is I heard this power ballad being played during the trailer of the movie. Personally,I was rather impressed by the trailer. There were some classic drama scenes like Miley lying on the beach and Hemsworth putting the seashells around her. I hoped the movie is a great hit as the trailer was pretty well-made. It definitely has captured the attention of the teenagers especially the girls as it is totally what the teenage girls hoped for.(Hot guy with a pretty girl meet together by accident and start a love story) The song from the trailer(‘When I Look at You’  by Miley Cyrus) captured my attention as I feel that it is really a very powerful song and I think that it goes perfectly well with the movie.I have to admit I am not a fan of Miley Cyrus(since I didn’t know that the song came out in  August 31, 2009)and I have to say that I don’t really listen to her songs as I used to think that her as quite a childish singer.

Perhaps this image of Miley Cyrus should be changed as the song ‘When I Look at You’ proved me wrong.It prompted me to listen to more of her songs. What do I like about this song?I think it is the music quality as well as the lyrics used in this song that are attractive and powerful.When I first listened to it online, I was amazed by it. The song started with with the piano. It seems like another typical sad(emotional) song is going to be played but I was wrong. The first chorus part was backed up by percussion and the second chorus part is being backed up by more percussion. When the bridge of the song arrives, there is a softer background sound so that the lyrics of the song can be heard clearly. The tension starts getting stronger and the background sound gets getting louder and bringing more impact to the listener’s emotions.The last chorus by Miley accompanied with the loud percussion background just totally brought the emotions of the ballad to a greater height. The song finally ends with the lyrics ‘you appear just like a dream to me’ brings a closure to the song implying that the love was very much like an illusion.

note: the views for this is really high!(19,974,573

Do take a look at her live performance too:D

note: I think the recording sounds better.

Some memorable quotes from the film to share:)

Veronica ‘Ronnie’ Miller: Why did you want me to see this?
Will Blakelee: Because I thought you would like her as much as I do, scars and all.

Steve Miller: Sometimes you have to be apart from the people you love, but that doesn’t make you love them any less. Sometimes it makes you love them more.

Do you agree with Steve Miller’s quote?I think I do as that happens in real life situations.Don’t you think so too?


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June 2010

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