Artsyfutsy's Blog

Survival of Arts & Culture in Singapore

Posted on: April 12, 2010

Will the arts and culture of Singapore continue to thrive or collapse completely in the next 50 years? Is there a future for Singapore’s arts and culture?

After interviewing a few people in the arts scene like the winner of the National Arts Council Young Artist Award in 2006, Pianist Lim Yan and the General Manager of Singapore Lyric Opera, (the only Opera company in Singapore) Miss Ng Siew Eng, I’ve come to the conclusion that yes, the arts and culture will continue to thrive and flourish in Singapore for the next 50 years.

Things that were not possible ten years ago and did not exist, exists in Singapore now. Ten years ago, we did not have a world-class concert hall to stage performances, only the old and run-down Victoria Concert Hall. Now, we have the beautiful Esplanade which features a world-class concert hall designed by some of the world’s top accousticians.

Singapore also has schools specially set up to nurture the country’s aspiring talents. Schools such as Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, Laselle College of The Arts, Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Musci and the School Of The Arts have world-renowned faculty members who take Young artists under their wings and teach them the secret of the trade. This shows the support of the Singapore government towards the arts community though little funding may be granted to individual organisations.

Singapore also has a large pool of talents and child prodigies. Violinists such as Kam Ning, Min Lee, Vanessa Mae and Siow Lee Chin have gone on to conquer the world stage. Prodigies such as Abigail Sin and NAFA’s Valedictorian Jeremy Wong, will ensure that the arts legacy lives on in Singapore.


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April 2010

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