Artsyfutsy's Blog

Trends in Spring & Summer

Posted on: April 10, 2010

Hot pants and boy shorts

Shorts have yet to become shorter in this year’s spring trends, with hem lines shrinking to predominantly negative figures. Lingerie as outerwear has risen in popularity so it’s not much of a surprise for hot pants to be on the street this season. This style was also featured on the catwalks early this year. Again, they appeared in the front row. Again, they were illustrated on the confident individuality. Yet again, they were always on a stunning figure.

However, I feel that somehow, this trend will not be popular in Singapore. Yes, in sunny Singapore, people wear shorts but no way are the hemlines going to mount that high. Those who are not assertive of their figure will not be caught wearing hot pants on the streets either. Anyway, hot pants show a lot of skin and being conservative Singaporeans, it will not be likely for hometown folks to don this outfit. With the short hemline, this staple shows off your bum, so you got to have the body for hot pants, unless you happen to be Gisele Bundchen or Megan Fox. (:


Boy shorts are an inspiration from boy shorts knickers. It is similar to hot pants but differentiated by the hemline which does not curve up. Boy shorts may be an alternative to hot pants if you find it too revealing. Although boy shorts look less divulging, hometown folks will still shun this trend, the reason being that the excessively short hemlines are too skimpy and bold to be worn here.

Boyfriend blazers

The boyfriend blazer looks sophisticated and stylish at the same time. Boyfriend fashion trends have hit it big time in the fashion world. The style is about wearing oversized clothes to look as if they were stolen from the boyfriend’s closet. The key is to go up only one size so the blazer will not swallow you. The boyfriend blazer is also proficient at accentuating shoulders. Rolling up the sleeves of the blazers is also another crucial point as exposing the wrist makes the look more feminine. This item can also be worn to work since it appears classy and mature.

Patched jeans

Ripped jeans made a statement in autumn and fall 2009. Now that its spring again, jeans are all patched up. We welcome jeans in 2010. This trend will definitely grow well into the year. Patched jeans are not very common in Singapore, neither are ripped jeans. Both jean styles imply the rocker chick look and are mostly worn by teenagers. This staple is more widespread in western countries such as America where jeans are a common wardrobe piece. Someday, patched jeans WILL be a fashion rage among Singaporeans. At least, that’s what I hope.



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April 2010

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