Artsyfutsy's Blog

Archive for April 1st, 2010

In this year, 2010 will feature a variety of new hair style trends such as pixie crops and slicked back looks. The latest hair trend is heavily influenced by the recent Spring 2010 catwalks and advancements of the previous year’s trend. I think the three best hair styles are the side braided hair, lengthy waved hair and the top knot.

 The side braid

Also known as the milkman braid, it has evolved into the plaited style this year. It is predominantly prominent on Alexander Wang’s runway, and Miuccia Prada’s Miu Miu Spring 2010 and also progressively more amongst street style photos.

I think that the side braid is a sweet and simple style with an edgy cut to it. It is a certainly a twist from the typical long plaited hair and I feel that it is ideal for fans of the street style. The hairstyle looks great with a fringe, especially with a loosely styled side part fringe. This trendy look works well with raging street wear.


Waved hair

The long waved hair is inspired by the 1940s and will continue in 2010. It has a slight pin up look and brings out the femininity of a lady visibly. The waves of this hair style are firm but not curly and looksdistinct with most hair colours except black. Classic styling of clothes and makeup will complete the timeless 1940s look.


The top knot

The top knot expresses a youthful and teasing look. It is popular because it looks good on most people and it is easy to style without so much of a hassle. Again, it is mostly a street style and this year, it features the sleek and messy top knot. The bun can sit dead center on top of the head or slightly off to the side, in which either ways are fine. Tops knots work better on straight hair.

I think that this style is perfect for ladies who dislike the bother of hair styling. Skip your morning routine – without looking like you did! This pretty and fast idea will keep you looking stylish when you want to fast-track your updo. Simply twist your hair up super-high and make it look perfectly wispy.


 -Mich (:


The movie is an adaptation of the comic book written by Jeff Kinney. The story centers around the life of a middle school boy named Greg Heffley. I must say the characters in the movie look nothing like the characters depicted in the book with the exception of Greg’s best friend, Rowley Jefferson. Both characters in the book and the movie resembled each other.

Rowley and Greg Heffley in the movie
Rowley Jefferson in the comic book


Greg Heffley in both the comic book and the movie

 The characters in the movie are definitely more good-looking than those in the comic books. The 2 people who in my opinion, look the most different from the characters drawn in the book are Greg’s parents.

Mrs Heffley. A.K.A Susan Heffley

Mr Heffley (Dad) A.K.A Frank Heffley

And of course, my favourite character in the entire movie *drum roll*

Greg's brother. Rodrick Heffley!!!

Overall, the movie failed to meet my expectations but it isn’t a complete flop either. It just got a little monotonous and the jokes didn’t seem as funny. I think the book is much more interesting and the jokes when read, seem funnier. Because the characters in the movie looked so different from those in the comic, I couldn’t relate to them and hence, didn’t really enjoy the movie but if you are one who watches movie because of a good-looking cast, then you should definitely catch this movie. Overall, the acting skills of the actors were average enough to bore me yet they weren’t bad enough to make me storm out of the theatre. This is just an average movie with actors whose acting skills are average. I strongly recommend you, my dear readers, to read the book instead of watch the movie.

The ocean itself is a mysterious place filled with deep dark secrets, waiting to be discovered. This is true, especially in Taiji, Japan.

‘The Cove’ is an Oscar-winning documentary which tells us all about the brutal dolphin slaughter in a small fishing village in Taiji. This documentary is not like the other typical documentaries that are loaded with endless information. This documentary is one that is filled with tons of raw emotions and it definitely tugs at the heartstrings.

In the documentary, we see Ric O’ Barry, an anti-dolphin activist, struggling to capture photos and videos of the ‘bloodbath’ of the cove in the fishing village in Taiji. The ‘bloodbath’ refers to the bright crimson blood which colours the ocean every morning, during the dolphin-hunting period. Struggling dolphins would then attempt to escape from this bloody mess, but to no avail.

Ric O' Barry, probably one of the guys with the biggest heart ever :')

The horrifying, shocking bloodbath

Yes, one can expect to see such a gory scene in ‘The Cove’. But to me, that is not the worst scene. There is this particular scene which shows a dying baby dolphin swimming towards two divers (from the activist team). The dolphin seemed to know that it will not be able to escape successfully from the inhumane fishermen but still, it swam towards the divers, as if wanting to tell them “Save me, stop this.”

I must say that ‘The Cove’ is really amazing in every single way. It has the plot, the props (High technology, state of the art equipments used), the suspense, the thriller, the emotions. How many movies/documentaries have actually left a huge impact on you? Have you ever watched a movie/documentary which made you felt like changing the world, changing the perspectives of some other people? Well, after watching ‘The Cove’ you definitely would. I hope that all of our readers out there would just take a few hours off on a Saturday/Sunday, ditch your studies or work to watch this documentary. Watching this documentary allowed me to take a step back and it gave me a broader perspective of what is happening in the world. In the beginning I thought that everything in ‘The Cove” was a fake. I thought to myself, “If this was real, then why isn’t the government doing anything to stop the dolphin slaughter?” But the images in this film were too real, too vivid. The dolphin slaughter shocked me and it brought tears to my eyes.

Some of you might find that the scenes this film is too gory and horrifying. But really, do not allow your fears to be one of the reasons why the dolphin species may be extinct in the future. I trust that you will never ever regret watching ‘The Cove’. It has left a huge impact on me and I am sure for you, it will too.

This is the ugly truth that is happening in Taiji. We need to let out this horrifying secret (of the Taiji fishermen) to the Japanese, to the whole world.

If your friends do not know about all these dolphin-slaughters going around, spread the word to them. Even if it is one individual, it does not matter. Because every step you take, will determine the survival of the dolphins.

Think: There might be a day, when these beautiful sea creatures would never exist on earth anymore.

Personally, I did quite a number of researches about dolphins and how we can save them etc. Here are some websites that may interest you:

or you could join the facebook group like I did! 😀!/TheCove?ref=search&sid=1147371427.1111256123..1

Every step you take will determine the survival of the dolphins in the world. Lets protect Mother Nature and prevent it from being destroyed in the hands of the evil.

Save the dolphins, stop this.




April 2010

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