Artsyfutsy's Blog

Archive for March 29th, 2010

“Sh!t, I’ve run out of storage space.”

This a common phrase many of us have used or heard. When that seemingly inexhaustible pool of gigabytes in that tiny little contraption with a listening device suddenly runs out, we’d often cuss and lament why we did not get one with more storage space. 

With the ever-increasing population of pop artistes, hits are being churned out at near-breakneck speed. And while the singers may have an endless reservoir of saliva at their disposal and infinite energy for writing and composing new songs, one day only has a measly 24 hours; iPods, by the laws of production, are still limited by the materials they are made from, and so storage spaces will still remain finite. So we listeners just can’t listen to -and keep in our listening devices- that many songs at one go.

So, with so many new songs coming out, and so little space left on your iPod, what can we do to squeeze more gigabytes out of that little white machine?

A creative method has been found on Youtube: mashups. The term ‘mashup’ basically refers to a ‘song’ that is made up of other songs, with the vocal tracks overlaid seamlessly over the music tracks of the songs used to create a new tune. These creative works are considered ‘transformative’ of the original content and, to a certain extent, are allowed copyright protection under the copyright law. 

These mashups provide a great alternative to keeping all your favourite past-time hits by mixing them all together. These average-length tracks not only take up little space (about the same space as your average 4-minute-plus pop song), they also allow you to enjoy all your favourite hits in under 5 minutes – a truly ingenious creation and godsend for us hardcore music junkies.

So who says you can’t put all the eggs in one basket? These mashups are perfect examples of how you can.

(A shout-out to Wikipedia for the info on mashups and Youtube and the awesome uploaders, mixers, etc. for the songs 🙂 )

Enjoy 🙂

There’s one for K-pop too! 😀




March 2010

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