Artsyfutsy's Blog

Archive for March 9th, 2010

KARA's new sexy image

In a Wondergirls and Girls’ Generation (SNSD) dominated K-pop scene, one rarely gets to hear about news of other girl groups. Yet, KARA has managed to prove itself to be the group to look out for in 2010 with its new album, Lupin.

The title track of the album, Lupin, is a catchy electropop number with an equally mind-blowing dance. The song has also done a good job in showcasing the girls’ vocals and their harmonizing skills. It is quite easy to see why this song was named as the title track – ‘Lupin’ has already picked up two awards (#1 on M! Countdown and #2 on Music Bank) in just barely three weeks since the album’s release.


Besides the title track, ‘Tasty Love’, the second track on the album, is also worth a listen. Though not as catchy as ‘Lupin’, it has an upbeat and lively tune that would instantly brighten up the listener’s mood. You can quite literally ‘taste the love’ through the sugar-coated lyrics of this song.

‘Lonely’, the last track on the album, ends the album on a gentler note. In contrast with the catchy, ‘pop-in-your-ears’ sound of ‘Lupin’, ‘Lonely’ is a slower song with a less intense beat, perfectly synthesized to soothe and calm the listener after a slew of upbeat pop songs from the earlier part of the album.

That said though, I have to comment that the person who had compiled the album either compiled for the wrong album, or was listening to the person who came up with the concept with only half a brain active. Call me stereotypical if you like but I certainly wouldn’t associate cutesy, saccharine-sweet pop numbers like ‘Tasty Love’ and ‘Rollin’’ (no spelling error here) with anything sexy, not with the ‘Lupin’ kind at least.

All in all, ‘Lupin’ is a praiseworthy album full of catchy tunes that are definitely worth listening to. With the confirmation of their participation in the upcoming Korean Music Festival, one of the biggest K-pop extravaganzas, KARA sure wouldn’t be fading out of the limelight anytime soon.   




March 2010

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