Artsyfutsy's Blog

Jeong Ae Ree and the Romanian Ambassador?!

Posted on: March 7, 2010

Jeong Ae Ree

Dr Ionescu Silviu

You would have seen her picture slapped across the front page of The Straits Times if you have read the paper last Wednesday.

Mdm Jeong Ae Ree a korean-born Soprano and one of Singapore’s most established vocal teacher, was a witness at the Coroner’s inquiry of the death of Mr Tong Kok Wai. She was identified as the lady who partied with Dr Ionescu till 2 am in the morning on the night of the accident. Why will a married woman party with an old man till the wee hours of the morning? This, we do not know and shall not judge till we have more details.

What makes Mdm Jeong a more prominent figure in the arts scene is the fact that she is the wife of a prominent Singapore Cellist, Mr Chan Wei Shing. Mr Chan is currently a Cellist with the Singapore Symphony Orchestra and the musical quintet, Take Five. He was also the conductor of River Valley High School’s String Ensemble.

This report linking Mdm Jeong and Dr Ionescu has shocked the artistic community. The media has hinted at a scandalous liason between the two. Her husband and those of us who know her, are all standing by her side.

Personally, I think the media are over-exaggerating things in order to generate sales for their paper. I have met Mdm Jeong before at the concert of her illustrious Student, Rebecca Chellapah. Mdm Jeong is a woman who carries herself with dignity and class. I believe she and Mr Chan are very much in love and infidelity is not an issue in their marriage. She must have her own reasons to socialize with Dr Ionescu. Musicians have to do quite a bit of networking to protect their rice bowl. Perhaps she was searching for someone to back her or sponsor her in an artistic venture. Mdm Jeong is the witness not the culprit. She has the courage to come forward and testify while the real culprit is hiding behind diplomatic immunities. I really hope the media will stop this blasphemy and publish the truth.

All the best to Mr and Mrs Chan. We’ll be keeping our fingers crossed and may the truth prevail!


1 Response to "Jeong Ae Ree and the Romanian Ambassador?!"

The subject is fully clear but why does the text lack clarity? But in general your blog is great.

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